Diana did not please her lover more, the day he viewed
her bathing in an icy pool, completely nude,
than did, today, the simple mountain shepherdess I saw.
She was about to wash the pretty headscarf that she wore
to stop her stray blonde hair from blowing in her face.
The sky burned, but I shivered as I spied upon such grace.
Listen to this translation — read by Peter Hetherington
Non al suo amante più Diana piacque — Petrarch
Non al suo amante più Diana piacque
quando per tal ventura tutta ignuda
la vide in mezzo de le gelide acque,
ch’ a me la pastorella alpestra et cruda
posta a bagnar un leggiadretto velo
ch’ a l’aura il vago et biondo capel chiuda;
tal che mi fece, or quand’ egli arde ’l cielo,
tutto tremar d’un amoroso gielo.