I longed for you. You came.
You cooled my heart.
Your words were hands
which cupped its flame.
Sappho, Fragment 48
ἦλθες, ἔγω δέ σ᾿ ἐμαιόμαν,
ὂν δ᾿ ἔψυξας ἔμαν φρένα καιομέναν πόθῳ.
‘…a lovely day in Cape Town. On your right
Is Table Mountain, and below us here
A view of Robben Island in the bay.’
Read Prepare for Landing
Image by Kaihsu Tai
I longed for you. You came.
You cooled my heart.
Your words were hands
which cupped its flame.
ἦλθες, ἔγω δέ σ᾿ ἐμαιόμαν,
ὂν δ᾿ ἔψυξας ἔμαν φρένα καιομέναν πόθῳ.
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